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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who doesn't like soft core gore?

SO, I haven't up dated in quite sometime. 
I'm going to make it a personal goal to keep updating my blog more frequently. 
One thing I am uploading is a piece I did over this summer. The piece is titled "Overdose", it is an 11x14 piece on watercolor paper. I used watercolors and ink. 
It is one of my favorites and is the beginning of a series I would like to do but don't really have the ambition for right now. 
I do however have mini prints of this piece on my etsy!
check them out here
The original. framed, is also up for sale, anyone interested in the original can e-mail me at
Feedback is always appreciated.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

sometimes I like putting bones on chains

ay peeps,
So I thought I would just throw some new pictures of the recent jewelry I did on my blog.
Everything is for sale that you see here, some are actually on my esty,
for those who may not know, it is here .
I do take custom orders in case anyone would wan't something specific.
I'm going to be doing a new line of necklaces soon
and I will also be posting pictures and links of those.
I'm going to try to keep up on this,
since I'm never posting anymore.
Being a college student is had.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Head cold

Shitty cellphone pictures
of the steps I took when doing 
this class project last semester.

The final piece was entered into a 
student show happening in a few months.
I will take better pictures of it then when I have it back. 
Until then, voila. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

I art things under a full moon

New drawings of mine..
I got super inspired,
I made two, but I plan on making more,
much more.

Both can be found here
©Ashley Laufer

©Ashley Laufer

Friday, August 26, 2011

Nighttime thunderstorm playtime

First thunderstorm at my new apartment.
I felt like taking some dumb pictures.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Thanks to Hillary Johnson, 
who contacted me via, my photography has been featured on the cover of her novel "Physical Culture". 
I am so proud to be given an opportunity like this. Words can not describe how happy I am. I never thought I would get this far at this age. I'm so happy she liked my picture "no grip" which is now the cover! I hope I can continue to be apart of her website. I can't thank her enough.
Hillary runs an independent printing company dymaxicon and her novel is now up on her site for pre-order here.
Please support her and her company by purchasing a copy of her amazing book!

Here is a sneak preview of the layout. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bullet shells.

Well today I went off to the rifle range with one of my friends.
We were on a quest to find some gnarly used bullet shells.
Bullet shells you might ask?
Well when I was browsing tumblr the other day,
 I came across necklaces that used bullet shells. 
These  are the fantastic necklaces I wish to make. 
Our bullet shell quest probed fruitful.

I can't wait to acquire some nice gems and crystals to fill these bad boys with 
If anyone knows a good place to get a lot of gems or crystals for a good price, please let me know!