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Monday, May 23, 2011

Stick with it

The other day I was feeling a bit down.
I felt as tho my artwork was nothing.
I thought that being a fine arts major was going to do nothing for me in the future.
I felt like I needed to do something like Social work, or Psychology so make it in life.
But I hated those things, they are not interesting to me.
So I sat down and decided to draw...
I was forcing it, I wanted to make something awesome but I only became frustrated. 
I got angry at myself cause the picture looked like shit. 
So I gave up and walked away feeling even worse. 
I got up into my room and sat down and an idea came to me.
But after what had just happened I was reluctant but I began a piece anyhow.
I spent a good time drawing it and it looked awesome, 
So I thought I should start painting and during that process I got really .. flustered.
I didn't wanna mess it up.
So I stopped and I have been working on it every night for 3 nights..
and this is the result...

I was pleased with myself,
and I no longer feel like I suck.
I just hope I can find that place in the future for me. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm going to stick my thumbs into your eye sockets..

Meh, I most likely will not do such a thing. U
nless you wanted me to cause in that case I'd take pictures of it. 
That is the only logical thing to do.

I did in fact take new photos of my newest model, Leeann.
They came out amazing, I have no issues with them what-so-ever. 
I did a little bit of gore,
a little bit of nasty,
some creepy dolls,
and a weird little beach filled with drift wood..
I feel like these were a good accomplishment. 

feedback is always appreciated :]